Ganga Dynasty



“The Glorious Legacy of the Ganga Dynasty : Temples, Culture, and Historical Triumphs in Ancient Odisha”

Ganga Dynasty ruled many parts of modern Odisha by three different phases, in history of Odisha, known as Early Eastern Gangas (493–1077), Imperial Eastern Gangas (1077–1436) and Khemundi Gangas (1436–1947).


Ganga Dynasty mainly divided into Western Ganga and Eastern Ganga.Western Gangas rulled over parts of modern day Karnataka and the Eastern Gangas over modern day Odisha. The Eastern Ganga tradition (otherwise called Purba Gangas, Rudhi Gangas or Prachya Gangas) were an enormous archaic period Indian illustrious Hindu line that ruled from Kalinga from fifth century to the mid twentieth century. Eastern Gangas managed a large part of the cutting edge district of Odisha in three distinct stages by the progression of time, known as Early Eastern Gangas (493-1077), Imperial Eastern Gangas (1077-1436) and Khemundi Gangas (1436-1947). They are known as “Eastern Gangas” to recognize them from the Western Gangas who managed over Karnataka. The empire governed by the Ganga Dynasty comprised of the entire of the advanced Indian province of Odisha, as well as significant pieces of north Andhra Pradesh, portions of Chhattisgarh and a few southern region of West Bengal. Odia language got official status in their reign following the development of the language from Odra Prakrit. The early leaders of the administration controlled from Dantapuram; the capital was subsequently moved to Kalinganagara (current Mukhalingam), and eventually to Kataka (present day Cuttack).

Today, Ganga Dynasty are mostly known as the manufacturers of the widely known Jagannath Temple of Puri and Konark Sun Temple in Odisha, as well as the Madhukeshwara Temple of Mukhalingam, Nrusinghanath Temple at Simhachalam in recent Kalinga and present-day Andhra Pradesh and Ananta Vasudeva Temple at Bhubaneswar. The Gangas of eastern Ganga Dynasty have developed a few Temples other than the ones expressed previously.

Early Gangas

The Ganga Dynasty of Kalinga are referred to in history as the Eastern Gangas in similarity of the Gangas of Mysore who are known as the Western Gangas. As per the custom kept in the early copper-plate of Chodaganga, the Eastern Gangas of Kalinga were a part of the administering Western Ganga group of Mysore.Kamarnava the pioneer behind the Eastern Ganga line is said to have moved to Kalinga with his four siblings from Kolahalapura in Gangabadivishaya (of Mysore) leaving his tribal realm to his fatherly uncle. He came to the Mahendragiri where he adored Gokarneswara Siva and afterward involved the Kalinga country in the wake of overcoming the Savara Boss named Baladitya, Itis unimaginable to expect to express the way in which far the custom depends on history.

Indravarman I (537 A.D.)

The main authentic leader of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty known from solid record is Indravarman I whose Jirjingi copper plate award was given in the Ganga year 39, i.e., 537 A.D.He is known to be a strong ruler having an enormous number of vassal bosses under him and his capital was situated at Dantapura. Indravarman is related to lord Adhiraja Indra who mounting on his elephant Supratika crushed the Vishnukundin lord Indrabhattaraka who battled on his elephant Kumuda. Ruler lndravarman was additionally the master of Trikalinga. He was the first extraordinary leader of the Ganga administration and began the Ganga time the underlying year of which is 498 A.D.This is possible the year in which he involved the Ganga high position.

Samantavarman(562 A.D)

The next king in Ganga Dynasty was Samantavarman who given his award in the year 64 (562 A.D) from Saumyavana which was known as the residence of the goddess of Triumph. Like his ancestor Samantvarman expected the title or Trikalingadhipati.

Hastivarman(577 A.D.)

Samantvarman was succeeded by Hastivarman at some time before the year 79 (577 A.D.). This king is known to have faced many conflicts and he professes to have squashed a powerful alliance of his foes. He didn’t call himself the Master of Trikalinga yet pronounced himself as the Master of all Kalingas (Sakala Kalinga. From his time ahead till the hour of Vajrahasta V (who came to the privileged position in 1038 Promotion.) no Ganga ruler called himself Trikalingadhipati.Hastivarman was otherwise called Rajasimha moniker Ranabhita. He was an enthusiast of Narayana and his Narsimhapali contract (year 79) registers award of six halas of land alongside four sanctums (niresana) and a free fooding foundation to pay tribute to god Narayan, the Ruler of Seven universes who rests on seven seas and for whose joy seven Sama tunes are being sung. Hastivarman moved his capital from Dantapura to Kalinganagaraon the Waterway Vamsadhara.

Indravarman II(589 A.D.)

Hastivarman succeeded by his son Indravarman II who governed to some extent up to the year 91 (589 AD.) the date of issue of his ParJakimedi plates.

Indravarman III (626 A.D.)

The following king of Ganga Dynasty was Indravarman III who came to power at some point before the year 128 (626 AD.). He was the child of Danarnava about whom we don’t know a lot. Indravarman III given his most memorable Chicacole grant in 626 A.D. On the event of a lunar overshadowing on the full moon day of Margasira. His second Chicacole grant was given in the year 138 (636 A.D.) on the event of Ratha saptami in the period of Magha showing that Sun love was famous in the realm of Gangas. In this sanction he professes to have gained capability in different sciences also, expressions. His last record the Tekkli award is dated in the year 154.

Devendravarman-I(681 A.D.)

The earliest record of the following known ruler Devendravarman-I is dated in the year 183 (681 AD.). Devendravarman was the child of Gunarnava about whom nothing is known from any record. Lord Devendravarman was a passionate Saiva and in the year 184 he had Mantra-diksha from Patanga Sivacharya who was learned in Vedas and Vedangas, Itihasa and Puranas. He moreover disparaged Brahmachari Pill and his sister Pillika Svamini, who were knowledgeable in Vedas and Vedangas.

Anantavarman I(702 A.D.)

Devendravarman of Ganga Dynasty was succeeded by his son Anantavarman I who came to the high position at some point previously the year 204 (702 A.D.), the date of his Dharmilingeswar award which was given on the event of the marriage of a young lady of the illustrious family.

Devendravarman(752 A.D.)

After,Anantavarman-1 his two children Nandavarrnan and Devendravarman-II became rulers of Kalinga consistently. Nandavarman came to the high position at some point before the year 221 what’s more, Devendravarman-ll at some point before the year 251. Devendravarman-Il’s most recent date is the year 254 (752 A.D.) after which we track down no record of the family for about a portion of a century.

Anantavarrnan II

The following significant leader of the Ganga Dynasty is Anantavarrnan II the son of Rajendravarman I.No award of Rajendravarman I has become visible and as such he stays in lack of definition like Danarnava and Gunarnava the dads of Indravarman III and Devendravarman I separately.Anantavarman II gave the Almanda award in the year 304 (802 A.D.) on the event of a sunlight based obscure when a tank was blessed and made open to public. He was succeeded at some point prior to the year 306 by his sibling Devendravannan III, one more child of Rajendravarman I. The last known date of this ruler is the year 310 when he gave the town Niyina liberated from all duties to a Brahmin writer who was the child of the doorkeeper of his palace.

Anantavarman III

Anantavarman was succeded by his son Anantavarman III and after him two of his children Rajendravarman II and Devendravarman IV became rulers in a steady progression. One Chicacole grant of lord Devendravarman IV is dated in the year 351(849 A.D.) also, another Chicacole grant of his child Satyavarman is additionally dated around the same time 351.

Other Rullers of Ganga Dynasty

Rajendravarman II (A.D. 812–840)
Devendravarman V (A.D. 840–895)
Gunamaharnava I (A.D. 895–910)
Vajrahasta II (or Anangabhimadeva I) (A.D. 910–939)
Gundama – I (A.D. 939–942)
Kamarnava I (A.D. 942–977)
Vinayaditya (A.D. 977–980)
Vajrahasta IV (A.D. 980–1015)
Kamarnava II (A.D. 1015, 6 months)
Gundama II (A.D. 1015–1018)
Madhukamarnava (A.D. 1018–1038)

Imperial Eastern Gangas of Ganga Dynasty.


Anantavaraman Vajrahasta V (C-1038-1070 A.D.)

With the promotion of Anantavarman Vajrahasta V in 1038 A.D. as Ganga Dynasty ruller , the Gangas got liberated from the grasp of the Somavamsi rulers. As the main autonomous Ganga lord, he utilized titles like ‘Maharaja, Maharajadhiraja, Paramamahesvara, Paramabhattaraka and Trikalingadhipati’. His title’ Trikalingadhipati’ plainly demonstrates that he brought Utkala, Kongoda what’s more, Kalinga influenced quite a bit by. He followed the strategy of rnatrirnorual collusion for reinforcing his realm. His marriage with Vinaya Mahadevi, the Kalachuri princess made his position stable in the Southern India and provoked him to manage the Somavamsis. The fact that he makes it accepted kept up with strategic connection with far off adjoining nations which improved his brilliance.

Devendravarman Rajarajadeva (1070-1077 A.D.)

Vajrahasta V was succeeded by his child Devendra Varman Rajarajadeva in 1070 A.D. Being squeezed by the Somavamsis of Utkala and the Chalukyas of Vengi, Rajarajadeva was not set in stone to follow an energetic strategy. He carried on his arms far as Vengi, crushed Kulottungachoda assumed name Rajendrachoda II, who gave the hand of his little girl Raja sundari to Rajarajadeva. From Dirghasi engraving, it is realized that Vanapati, the Brahmin serve and administrator of Rajaraja incurred devastating loss upon the leaders of Vengi, Utkala, Khimidi, Gidrisingi, Kosala and Chola. The procurement of the adjoining domains by following a vigourous strategy of glorification empowered Rajarajadeva to carry dependability to the Ganga rule. He took up the autonomous highsounding titles like Parama Mahesvara,Paramabhattaraka,
Maharajadhtraja and Trikalingadhipati. He died in 1077 A.D.

Anantavarman Chodagangadeva (1077-1147 A.D.)

Anantavarman Chodagangadeva was an unmistakable King of the Ganga Dynasty. The underlying period of his rule was basic in view of his early stages. However, as the lord grew up to adulthood, he demonstrated his capacity as a ruler and administering over Odisha for a significant stretch of seventy years. Truth be told, he established the Gangas tradition in the Odisha, which governed till 1435 A D.To lay out areas of strength for a, Anantavarman Chodagangadeva followed the strategy of success and empire building. To give adjustment and solidification to the immense realm, Chodagangadeva presented an efficient organization. Being an outsider to this outsider land he could very well understand his obligation towards individuals of Odisha. He was an incredible supporter of writing and learning. His engravings bore splendid declaration of the fair information on Sanskrit, Odia and Telegu writing that he had. Being a decent conversationalist, he was additionally all around familiar with the Vedic legend. He showed his ability in fine expressions and poetical organization. Science had its encouraging during his age. In the field of workmanship and engineering, Chodagangadeva has contributed a ton. He had begun the structure of the extraordinary Lord Jagannath Temple at Puri which was finished by
Anangabhimadeva III.

Kamarnava (1147-1156 A.D.

Kamarnava of Ganga Dynasty came to throne after the death of his father through his better half Kasturikamohini. His short rule for 10 years was generally dedicated to the battle against the Kalachuris for the ownership of Sambalpur-Sonepur-Bolangir parcel. Like his father, he was fruitless in his central goal. An outstanding occasion during his period was that he played out the Tulabharam service by which he gauged himself against gold which he circulated among the Brahmins and his subjects.

Raghava (1156-1170 A.D.)

After the passing of Kamarnava his more youthful sibling Raghava to rose the throne of Ganga Dynasty in 1156 A.D. He was one more child of Anantavarman Chodagandadeva through his sovereign Indiradevi. He likewise took as high as possible sounding title, ‘Anantavarma Devidasa Ranaranga Raghava Chakravarti. Maybe during his period Kulottunga Rajendrachoda II of Velanadu went after Kalinga and got some achievement. Among his two engravings tracked down inside the Jagamohana of the Lingaraja Temple, one depicts about Jayadeva, a rumored writer of Odisha for his timeless creation Gitagovinda. His rule was relatively quiet and tranquile.

Rajaraja II (1170-1190 A.D.)

Next Rajaraja II succeeded Raghava as he had no child and replacement. He was another child of Chodagandadeva through his sovereign Chandralekeha. With him the lost brilliance of the royal Gangas restored. Toward the start of his rule, he recuperated the lost domain of the Gangas stretching out from Simhachalam to Godavari during Kamarnava and Raghava. Nonetheless, with the assault of Prithivisvara, the Velanati Chola leader over Kalinga who stretched out his influence up to Srikurmam, Rajaraja II needed to acknowledge the incomparability of the previous and stayed under him as a vassal ruler. The triumph of Lakshmanasena, the Sena leader of Bengal and the contemporary of Rajaraja II over Utkala is dismissed by researchers since it is indefensible. Jayadeva, the incredible. writer of the time likewise prospered during the rule of Rajaraja II.

Anangabhimadeva II (1190-1198 A.D)

Anangabhimadeva II, the sibling of Rajaraj II, climbed the throne as he had no kids.His reign was quiet and it saw vivacious exercises in the structure of numerous Saivite Temples. His brother by marriage, Svapnesvaradeva built the popular Meghesvara sanctuary at Bhubaneswar. Presumably, he assembled Sovanesvara Siva temple at Niali. He embraced huge worksof public government assistance like structure of streets, digging of wells and tanks, development of high compound walls and so forth. He belittled men of letters and furthermore cared for the material and otherworldly prosperity of his subjects. He died in 1198 A.D.

Rajaraja III (1198-1211 A.D.)

Anangabhimadeva II was succeeded by his son Rajaraja III in 1198 A.D. His rule seen the rising craving of the Muslims to attack this land. The Tabaqat-I-Nasiri of Qazi
Minhaj-us-siraj makes reference to that under the guidance of Bakhtyar Khilji, Muhammad Sheran and Ahmad Sheran had progressed to possess Lakhnor (in Bengal) and Jajnagar (Jajpur in Odisha). The demise of Bhaktyar Khiljl, while driving the Muslim armed force in a mission against Kamarupa (Assam) shut down the arrangement. The Muslim legislative leaders of Bengal, be that as it may, proceeded their assaults on Odisha during the rule of his replacements.

Anangabhimadeva III (1211-1238 A.D.)

Rajaraja-III was succeeded by his child became next ruller of Ganga Dynasty, Anangabhimadeva-III in 1211 A.D. Anangabhimadeva-III came to control when the Muslim rule in Bengal had undermined the security of the Ganga realm in Odisha. Then again, the Kalachuris were the conventional opponent of the Gangas. Simultaneously, the Chola Realm was crumbling in the south. Such was what was going on when Anangabhimadeva III rose the lofty position of the Gangas.Soon after his promotion, Anangabhimadeva III needed to confront the fierce walk of the Muslim multitude of Bengal under the order of Ghiyas-ud-noise Iwar who rose the privileged position in 1215 A.D. The Tabaqat-I-Nasiri makes reference to that Ghiyas-ud-commotion I was the Khilji ruler who gotten income from Jajnagar, Kamrup, Tirhut and a few different spots. The best accomplishment of Anangabhimadeva III as a vanquisher was his triumph over the Kalachuris and furthermore to keep up with harmony in his Realm tooks many advances .Anangabhimadeva III was a canny representative. He needed to solidify marital coalition with the Kalachuris for keeping up with the distant realm for the acknowledgment of that end, he gave his girl Chandrika in union with the bold Kalachuri ruler Paramadrideva.. Attack of Kanchipuram and Srirangam was critical sections in his standard.

Anangabhimadeva III

Next king of Ganga Dynasty Anangabhimadeva ii, moved his capital from Kalinganagar to Abhinava Varanasi Kataka (Cuttack) on the bank of stream Mahanadi. Prior, Chodagangadeva had made Sarangagarh, a second focal point of political exercises of the Ganga realm, however Anangabhimadeva totally moved the cash-flow to the middle place like Cuttack.

Narasimhadeva I (1238 – 1264 A.D.)

With the progression of Narasimhadeva I to the throne of Ganga Dynasty in 1238 A.D., the Ganga empire arrived at its apex. His 26 years of sublime rule saw remarkable
accomplishments in each part of the Ganga organization. His forceful and hostile military strategy made alarm in the personalities of the Muslim leaders of Bengal and Oudh. This drove the majestic Gangas to the apex of force, brilliance and magnificence. Interestingly, he bore the title Gajapati showing the tremendous ownership of elephants and this title was borne by the later Ganga rulers occassionally and by the Suryavamsi lords perpetually. The Sun sanctuary at Konarka was the wonderful creation in the field of engineering that brought Narasimhadeva. He was famously known as Langula Narasimhadeva among individuals of Odisha.

After came to power in 1238 A.D., Narasimha I followed the strategy of forceful government. At that point, Tughril Tughan Khann (1233 – 1246 A.D.) had turned into the lead representative of Bengal. He stifled the Muslims as well as made fear in the brain of Kakatiya ruler Ganapati.

Narasimhadeva’s accomplishment as a developer was unparallel. The exceptional Sun Temple at Konark bears the declaration in the field of workmanship, design and figure. However the main Temple has been destroyed, Jagamohana (Patio) is as yet standing. The workmanship, engineering and model of the sanctuary charm the consideration of millions of sightseers all around the world who visit the Sun sanctuary of Konark. He was an extraordinary military virtuoso or developer as well as he was an incredible legislator of his time. His sound organization was set apart with catholicity. He was a boss of the reason for the Hinduism. He was an extraordinary benefactor of Sanskrit writing. Narasimhadeva-I was a ruler of a numerous commendable characteristics. He was gifted in the craftsmanship
of government and furthermore belittled men of letters. He was well known king of Ganga Dynasty because of his valor and brilliant production of the Sun temple, at Konark.

Bhanudeva I (1264-1279 A.D.)

Narasimhadeva was succeded by his son Bhanudeva I. Yuzbak, the Legislative head of Bengal walked similar to Jajnagar (Jajpur) in or around 1275 A.D. also, removed a few elephants. It is assumed that the Muslim influence was broadened upto Jajpur. Bhanudeva was a kindhearted ruler.His gift of terrains, mango gardens and trees to the Brahmins shows that he advanced Brahmanism. The approaching of Narahari Tirtha, the Dvaita Vedantin and his acknowledgment of the pictures of Rama and Sita from Bhanudeva I recommends that the love of Sita-Rama started during his period. Notwithstanding, the breaking down propensity of the Ganga realm began right from the days
of Bhanudeva I when a few feudatories like Matsys of Oddadi, the Chalukyas of Elamancili furthermore, the Pallavas of Virakutam showed disobedient demeanor towards the Ganga suzerainty. During his rule, Chandrikadevi, the little girl of Anangabhimadeva III and the spouse of Paramadrideva fabricated Anantavasudeva Temple at Bhubaneswar.

Narasimhadeva II (1-.279-1306 A.D.)

Narasimhadeva II came to power with the demise of Bhanudeva I in 1279 A.D. As he was a minor, Narahari Tirtha turned into his official for long twelve years. During his time Tughril Khan-I-Yuzbak, the legislative leader of Bengal battled with Balban, the Ruler of Delhi. Thus, Narasimhadeva II partook in a similarly serene time during his period. He worked with exchange also, trade by further developing correspondence office and carried thriving to the land. Like his ancestors, he bore highsounding titles like ‘Vira Narasimhadeva, Sri Narasimhadeva, Pratapa Vira Sri Narsimhadeva and so on. He additionally performed Tulapurusadana. He belittled the Brahmanas also, laid out numerous Brahmana shasanas (towns). His court was delegated with the men of letters. Among them, Sambhukara Vajapeyi’s Sraddhapaddhati, Vidyakara’s , Nityachara Paddhati and Karmadipika and Sankhadhara’s Smriti Samuchaya were renowned Sanskrit works of the time. He died in 1306 A.D.

Bhanudeva II (1306-1328 A.D)

The downfall of the Ganga Dynasty began with the reign of Bhanudeva II. Later enslaving Warrangal in 1323 A.D. Ulugh Khan ( Muhammad Tughluq) had a strike in Jajnagar
region who removed forty elephants from him. This obviously shows that Bhanudeva II needed to bargain with the Muslims. In any case, no deficiency of any piece of the Ganga domain is apparent during his that is all. The reality stays that the forceful government of the Gangas had reached a conclusion. He additionally viewed himself as the Delegate of Lord Jagannath.

Narasimhadeva III (1328-1352 A.D.)

Narasimhadeva III came to power in 1328 A.D with the passing of Bhanudeva II. Exploiting the shortcoming of the Musunuri Nayakas, the Reddies and Velemas announced themselves as free Realms in the seaside Andhra locale. At this point, the passing of Toyyeeti Anavota Nayaka (who was deciding over that locale for Kapaya Nayaka, the Musunuri ruler), Narasimhadeva III considered it as a once in a lifetime chance to broaden his influence upto Srikakulam. In any case, that triumph was fleeting on the grounds that Anavota Reddi, a strong Reddi ruler constrained the Kalingan armed force to withdraw upto, the guest of Kalinga crossing of Godavari stream. Subsequently, the Ganga realm was continuously inclining towards its decay. He died on in1352 A.D.

Bhanudeva III (1352-1378 A.D.)

Bhanudeva to rise the Ganga throne in 1352 A.D with the demise of his father Narasimhadeva III. His period saw a fierce stage in the magnificent rule of the Ganga Dynasty.

Narasimhadeva IV (1378-1414 A.D.)

Narasimhadeva IV climbed the Ganga Dynasty throne in 1378 A.D with the demise of Bhanudeva III. In 1386 A.D. coordinated by Kumaragiri, his brother by marriage, Kataya Vema went after South Kalinga and crushed Cuttack. It is apparent from the way that he expected the title Kataka Chudakara after this attack. Narasimhadeva IV had no other option except for to go for harmony by offering the hands of his girl to Kumara Anavota, the child of Kumaragiri. The contention between the Reddis and Velemas in the South debilitated the Reddi power and making use of this Narasimhadeva began to combine his influence over South Kalinga. Be that as it may, the Ganga military power declined further during his period. The Odia language and grammer created because of his drive. He was a supporter of Brahmins, researchers and men-of letters.

Bhanudeva IV (1414-1435 A.D.)

Bhanudeva IV, the last ruler of Ganga Dynasty,came to power after the passing of Narasimhadeva IV in 1414. As destruction had previously started in the Reddi kingdom, Bhanudeva IV in relationship with Devaraya I, the lord of Vijayanagara, went after the Reddy domain; Allada Reddi of Rajahmundry found to finish up harmony with both the lords of Utkala and Vijayanagara.The Chandra kala Natika of an extraordinary Odishan writer, Viswanath Kaviraj gives credit to Bhanudeva IV with the success of Gauda (Bengal). He had walked towards Bengal to save the Hindus from the control of Jalal-ud-dln Muhammad Shah. He took up imperial titles like Srivira Bhanudeva, Gajapati Pratapa Vira Sri Nisanka Bhanudeva and so on. He was the last leader of the Ganga administration. At the point when he was occupied in his southern mission against the Reddis, Kapilesvara Routraya, .his believed serve sold out him and by the assistance of the Brahmins usurped the privileged position.Accordingly, the Ganga Dynasty reached a conclusion to the sublime rule of the Gangas.

Overall the Gangas

To give adjustment and solidification to the huge Empire, the Ganga Dynasty presented an efficient regulatory framework. Chodaganga being an outsider to this outsider land could understand his obligation towards individuals of Odisha. The Gangas dedicated themselves for the material thriving of their subjects by executing different compassionate and government assistance projects. This made them famous among his Odishan subjects. The Ganga Dynasty had a huge empire extending from the Ganges in the north to Godavari in the south. The 400 years whole rule of the Ganga Dynasty offered a decent chance for them to give great organization to the subjects of the Ganga line.They had a predominant origination of majesty. They planned at understanding the Kautilyan thought of giving Yogakshema to their subjects. They looked to figure out the rule that the lord should be learned, ideal, proficient and equipped for maintaining equity and advancing the government assistance of individuals. The ruler was the turn of the public authority. Among the powers of the ruler, arrangement of priests, inconvenience of duties, exclusion of the subjects from charges, constructing of temples, statement of war and finish of harmony, award of terrains to Brahmins, conduction of visits to various pieces of the realm to familiarize with the issues of the subjects and so forth. were significant. However the lord was the preeminent top of the public authority, during the Ganga time frame, he practiced his clout in conference with the chamber of priests. The Ganga Dynasty rulers were helped by a few authorities like Mantri, Purohita, Yuvaraja, Sandhivigrahika, Senapati, Dauvarika and so on.
For better administration the Ganga Dynasty rullers divided the kingdom into various Mahamandalas (more prominent regions). The director of a Mahamandala was assigned as Mahamandalika (lead representative in boss). A Mahamandala was isolated into various Mandalas (regions). Each Mandala was under the charge of a Mandalika (lead representative). Further, a Mandala comprised of Vishayas or Bhogas (locale). A Vishaya or Bhoga was responsible for a Vishayapati or Bhaugika. A Vishaya or Bhoga comprised of anumber of gramas (towns). Each town was under the charge of a gramika. The Ganga heads kept up with their standard over a broad domain with the assistance of a strong armed force. The rulers of Ganga Dynasty themselves were extraordinary heroes. During the Ganga period the income framework was sound. Different duties like bheta, Voda, Paika, Ohour, Paridarsana and so forth. were being gathered as is gathered from the Ganga engravings. Land income was the significant kind of revenue for the Ganga government.

Later Gangas


A branch of the Eastern Ganga dynasty remain survived in Paralakhemundi state, currently Gajapati district, Odisha. It was established in 14th century when Narashingha Deba, a son of the Eastern Ganga monarch Bhanudeva II established the Khemudi kingdom. The Dynasty include,Jagannatha Gajapati Narayana Deo II ( 1751 CE – 1771 CE).Krushna Chandra Gajapati (26 April 1913 – 25 May 1974),Gopinath Gajapati (25 May 1974 – 10 January 2020),Kalyani Gajapati (since 10 January 2020).

Badakhemundi and Sanakhemundi

This line dives from the Paralakhemundi Ganga Dynasty branch. In sixteenth centuries, the Raja of Parlakhemundi, Subarnalinga Bhanu Deba allowed pieces of the Khimedi regions to his child Ananga Kesari Ramachandra Deba, whose relatives thusly separated the zamindari into two branches-Badakhemundi and Sanakhemundi.


The Hindol august state was laid out in 1554 by two siblings, Chandradeva Jenamani and Udhavadeva Jenamani having a place with the group of the Badakhemundi Raja of Ganjam. The realm consented to India and converged into the territory of Odisha following autonomy in 1947.


The Bamra kingdom was founded by Saraju Gangadeb who was the child of the neighborhood Eastern Ganga executive of Patna district Hattahamir Deb, who was the child of Eastern Ganga ruler Bhanudeva II. Hattahamir Deb was toppled in 1360 CE by Ramai Deva of the Chauhan administration who drove the groundwork of Patna state, while the ancestral clan leaders introduced Saraju Gangadeb as the leader of Bamanda locale. This established the underpinning of the Bamanda part of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty. The kingdom merged in India and converged into the territory of Odisha after indepence in 1947.


This branch were the relatives of the old part of Svetaka mandala of the Early Gangas which turned into the Chikiti zamindari. History specialists infer that the leaders of Chikiti were from the line of Ganga ruler Hastivarman.


In this manner, the above truth shows that the Ganga Dynasty rulers were altruistic dictators who generally taken care of the government assistance of individuals. They were additionally incredible supporters of workmanship, engineering and writing. As a matter of fact, by their whole rule around 400 years, they projected a wellorganised political set up which directed the future leaders of the Suryavamsi Ganapati line and later. Without a doubt, the Ganga Dynasty brought harmony, serenity and solidness to the individuals of Odisha for quite some time which is unparalled in the managerial history of Ganga Dynasty.


1- Who was the founder of Eastern Ganga dynasty?

ANS-  Indravarman I.

2–  What is the origin of the Ganga dynasty?

ANS-  multiple Ganga branches may have operated from Mysore , Kolar and Ananthpur.

3-   Who was the famous king of Ganga dynasty?

ANS- Chodagangadeva famous for Lord Jagannath Temple.

4-  Who was the last ruler of Eastern Ganga dynasty?

ANS-  Bhanudev iv was last known king of the Eastern Ganga dynasty.



By rudramadhab

The Man Who Believes In Sharing Knowledge,Because Knowledge Increases By Sharing. .

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