Narendra Modi Age /modi age

Modi Age ?…..A White Bearded Young Man’s Colorful Dreams For Indian Nation.

Narendra Modi Age / Modi Age  ? Narendra Damodardas Modi. Is the 14th Prime Minister of India. He was born on 17 September 1950 in Badnagar, today’s Gujarat. His father’s name is Damodardas Moolchand Modi and mother’s name is Hiraben Modi. He is the third child of his parents. Narendra Modi age is 72 years in 2023.Now a question rises about Narendra Modi age. At this age is he able to run India ? Many people think about this question. Let us discuss about this. Many incidents have happened in his life. Even today at this age, can Modi ji take the same steps as before? He has achieved many achievements in life. Today in this article we will know about his achievements and whether Narendra Modi can achieve some more achievements for himself and his country even at this age. Let us know some of the things that Modi ji has done for the country during his lifetime.

 Narendra Modi Age and Success in Vote Politics

In 2014,Narendra Modi Age was 64, Bharatiya Janata Party has achieved a historic success under the leadership of Narendra Modi. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, BJP had won 282 seats under the leadership of Narendra Modi. Then in 2019, under the leadership of Narendra Modi, Bharatiya Janata Party has achieved even more success. Today BJP has emerged as the single largest party in Parliament. And hence many decisions can be taken in the interest of India. Modi’s Slogan is  SAB KA SAATH,SAB KA BIKAS,SABKA BISWAS.

Is Modi Age affecting Indian Economic Reforms ?

Modi government has done many economic reforms. In which GST is called Goods and Services Tax which is applicable in the entire country. Then IBC which is called Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, then the biggest step which is Make in India has been implemented by the Modi government. Make in India program has increased manufacturing and employment in the country.


Is Foreign Policy Obstructed by Narendra Modi Age ?

Modi ji’s foreign policy has made India even more powerful in the world stage. It is Modiji’s priority to have good contacts with all the countries of the world. Modi ji wants good relations with neighbours. Modi ji wants to improve contacts with Pakistan and China. His foreign policy includes increasing contacts with the countries of South East Asia and BRICS which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. India is moving towards Vishwa Guru recognition through world level agencies like BRICS and G20.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Narendra Modi Age

Modi ji launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 2014 . It is an effort to create a clean and pure India. Which includes both personal hygiene and social cleanliness. Building toilets and stopping open defecation has been given priority. Is Narendra Modi Age is a barrier for development in rural India ?

Digital India

Under the leadership of Modi ji, the government started the Digital India campaign. This is an effort to provide internet access to the common man so that every scheme of the government can reach the common man. Under Modiji’s Digital India, today India is playing a leading role in technology in the whole world.

Infrastructure Development

Under the leadership of Modi ji, India is running many ambitious schemes which include world class roads, airports, railway stations, railways, smart cities, and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for the poor which aims to provide houses to the poor people.

Jan Dhan Yojna

Before Modiji’s arrival, about 70% people in India did not have a bank account. Modi ji has made banks available for everyone. In which the record of opening a bank account in 1 week is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.

National Security And Modi Age

Modi government has taken important steps in the security and defense of India. Surgical strikes, suppression of terrorists, peace in Kashmir come under this, where Modi Age is not a matter. Today India and Indians feel safe. After the removal of Section 370 and 35A, today Kashmir has become a permanent part of India. Narendra Modi Age is not a matter of concern.

Covid-19 fight

Under the leadership of Modi ji when Modi Age was 69 years, India has effectively combated the Covid virus that arrived in 2019. The government has conducted a mass vaccination across the country. And during his tenure, India was able to make its own Covid 19 vaccine and saved people from death by sending it to different countries all over the world at this age.

Narendra Modi Age

To be concluded

If seen this way, India is today moving towards becoming a world guru in the nectar of independence. If seen, India is today free from Internal security issue, terrorism, cross border terrorism, threats from Neighbours , and many other difficulties. India is the fifth largest economy in the world today. This shows that Narendra Modi is a boon for India. Many governments/political Dynasties came before 2014, India was never so powerful. In fact, today it seems that India is going to become a world Leader. Modi  Age  is not a barrier to lead India.

By rudramadhab

The Man Who Believes In Sharing Knowledge,Because Knowledge Increases By Sharing. .

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